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By poyntonshark
Surbiton_Shark wrote:
Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:57 pm
Overall - frustrating watch with bouts of decent rugby.
Doesn't that describe the majority of Sale games?

This one was a great result, but certainly not a great performance. Decent second half, but almost all the good work done in first half was undone by our try line panic again. To be fair to Toulon, their attack may have been disjointed and half hearted, but they still did the defensive work. Even so, we probably should have had the BP secured by half time, we certainly had the opportunities. What on earth was that silly Morris dance we did with a tap penalty?
The usual word for the ref. I thought him one of the better European refs we have had lately. The breakdown was the typical European free-for-all, apart from bizarrely penalising us for off feet at an attacking ruck early in the game (maybe even the first ruck), even Prem refs don't give that decision outside of the final few minutes (I wasn't paying enough attention at the time to have an opinion on the decision, but it was probably correct). The scrum became a bit of a mess with few completed, I think that largely down to him not asserting his authority until the 70th minute (although he wasn't shy about penalising). I have to mention our fourth try, whilst obviously not entirely down to the ref, the TMO cleared it too. As an old school former pupil, I'm happy to call that a rugby incident, but there clearly was head contact (nowhere near as much as the 9 would have us believe) and if the roles were reversed I think I would be expecting a penalty.
Oh Danny Boy liked this
By PappjeShark
A bit late to the party but that was rather enjoyable.

Yes, it was freezing and no, the first half wasn’t brilliant with our ability to avoid turning possession and territory into points. We did though get our fervent wish that Toulon wouldn’t like a Baltic night at the AJB. (Sorry, SCS).

We did manage a couple more cock-ups in quick succession in the second half before everything clicked into gear and frankly, who predicted that score beforehand. Not I, for sure.

RdP - I think that’s the best game I’ve seen him play for us. He was excellent.
RMW - unrecognisable from the nervous youngster we saw a couple of times last season. What a performance.
TOF - a couple of brain farts in the first half but he recovered his composure and played well thereafter. And oh how we roared him up the pitch for the BP try.
Nye - echoing the earlier comments about his try-saving tackle, bravo.
The pack - when they were allowed, a cracking job in dismantling Toulon.

Talking of the pack, I felt the ref had to get a grip far earlier on the scrums. We barely saw one completed all game - it was too cold to sit getting bored to death waiting for the interminable resets.

I wonder if Raffi came off when he did in the expectation he’d be available for Bath? As it was the dP twins taken off from the pack and we’ll need them firing this weekend.

Once again, my son and I despair of all those who leave early. A steady stream started with 10 minutes to go rather than the usual 5 mins. How often do we get to see French rugby royalty spanked like that? I hope it’s worth it to get closer to the car park bollards before they’re allowed to leave.

On a point of order, the ‘ask the club’ thread looks a little dead. Is there a best contact at the club? I want to report the number plate of the idiot who drove dangerously after the game. He was parked right down by the turning circle next to the training pitches. I saw the man get in his car and race off at speed towards the exit opposite Aldi - quite inappropriate given how many pedestrians are in the area. Then a minute later he came racing all the way back down before proceeding to drive up the grass bank and between the cones. He then performed a 17-point turn before forcing his way through the bus queue to get himself into the turning circle. I took his number plate because it was utterly ridiculous behaviour.
Oh Danny Boy liked this
By DavenportSharky
I think beating the enormous queue for the Trafford Centre ‘bus is the reason for the early exits. Can’t understand why they don’t load all 4 or 5 buses at once which would shift people quicker.
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By Major Bloodnok
DavenportSharky wrote:
Fri Jan 24, 2025 12:45 am
I think beating the enormous queue for the Trafford Centre ‘bus is the reason for the early exits. Can’t understand why they don’t load all 4 or 5 buses at once which would shift people quicker.
I joined that queue when it was about level with the east stand. I was on a bus not much more than 10 minutes later. It looks daunting but they're pretty fast.

And think what happens if you load them all at once: They have to queue at the TC to unload, which takes more time, and you get a long gap of standing around waiting for the first one to return.

The buses are the one aspect of the 'fan experience' that is impressive.
By dinogyro
If you load all the buses at once, you would also need more marshalls, I would think. As the service is cheap and quick, I think best left as is.

I can never understand leaving early. I've paid for a full game, I'm going to watchg one! Also, it causes a bit of disruption which isn't necessary.
Sorry Dyno...I am guilty if that is the right word, of leaving early at times. If the match is close I stay right to the end but move to the end of the south stand for quick exit stage left! It's really obvious why...the crazy situation where thousands of people are trying to exit the ground area by one narrow road. It's a mad design flaw which has been obvious from the first game there, and yet despite all the work that has gone on in building the supermarket etc, the road remains as was. There is even the start of a second road further towards the motorway flyover but that is all. Hopefully whatever other plans are being discussed by Salford Council and the clubs, this access issue is near the top of the list.
The potential for an accident, especially on dark Friday nights, whether between vehicles or with pedestrians at match end must be large, and then the road would presumably be blocked with everyone stuck behind. That is why I go early!
If you want to express surprise at people paying to watch a rugby match and then missing it, what about those spending much of the time not watching because they go to buy beer and then later to the toilets, or just turning their back on the action to talk to their friends? I note that this is generally younger folk who keep telling us they are hard up, and yet happy to spend money on a ticket and very dear drinks .
By dinogyro
I totally understand. My preference is to hang around a bit after the game, so if a bar was open post-game, I would use it. I think they did it for the World Cup? Or something just to keep people there a little longer. Having said that, I've always found the bus queue pretty quick, but I wouldn't want to be in the car park! We've all got our own peculiarities.

The road access situation is crazy and the supermarket only makes it worse. The ground definitely needs another access point. If there was an accident, it would be a major issue.

I don't understand paying for a ticket, then spending most of the game chatting to friends, but then I am old and I only have my wife to talk to, who has no interest in rugby. She's just there for the drinking. However, she can 'hold it' until half-time, so fair play to her. I don't drink pints, so don't have to interrupt my enjoyment or miss any action with a toilet break.
By ageinghoody
I have to mention a memory that still has my jaw dropping.

One of the first games at EP, I took my seat alongside a rather large chap who had a pint in his hand plus three more in a carrier at his feet. He consumed all of them by just before halftime and then unsurprisingly headed for the facilities.

He returned with his carrier refilled with four more pints. These he polished off by about 75 minutes and then took his leave, wished me goodnight and explained that he wanted to beat the queue to leave the carpark! :drunk:
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By RinTin
I hope this is where Simon can throw some of the many pounds he has recently received - infrastructure and facilities. Easier said than done with us not owning the place, but it would make it a much more appealing venue and hopefully reduce dwindling numbers post 70th minute.

Our average crowd last season was 7,013... 9th of the 10 teams in the prem with only Newcastle below. Exeter and Gloucester were next along averaging 12,000 or so. Leicester and Quins attract around 20,000. Again, easier said than done given the location and situation, but getting more into the stadium has to be a priority.
Oh Danny Boy liked this
By Oh Danny Boy
RinTin wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2025 8:26 am
I hope this is where Simon can throw some of the many pounds he has recently received - infrastructure and facilities. Easier said than done with us not owning the place, but it would make it a much more appealing venue and hopefully reduce dwindling numbers post 70th minute.
Our average crowd last season was 7,013... 9th of the 10 teams in the prem with only Newcastle below. Exeter and Gloucester were next along averaging 12,000 or so. Leicester and Quins attract around 20,000. Again, easier said than done given the location and situation, but getting more into the stadium has to be a priority.
As far as fan experience goes, a massive own goal was getting rid of the big marquee outside. That covered, dry space was really good and added to the pre match experience far more than anything since. Sale and visiting fans had a space to eat, drink, watch other games and be there for player interviews on stage

As you rightly pointed out the location makes it difficult to keep a post match crowd unless you're lucky enough to live locally.
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By Lord Elpus
ageinghoody wrote:
Tue Jan 28, 2025 9:53 pm
I have to mention a memory that still has my jaw dropping.

One of the first games at EP, I took my seat alongside a rather large chap who had a pint in his hand plus three more in a carrier at his feet. He consumed all of them by just before halftime and then unsurprisingly headed for the facilities.

He returned with his carrier refilled with four more pints. These he polished off by about 75 minutes and then took his leave, wished me goodnight and explained that he wanted to beat the queue to leave the carpark! :drunk:
Yes sorry about that - I got a bigger carrier for the next game.
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